Dan ini dia PR nya....
Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community!
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR
(Please do not change this link) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions and Your Answers :
1. Link the person who tagged you : Mbak Nita
2. His/her site : Anita Rosalina's Blog
3. Date when you were tagged : April 17, 2009
4. Person you tagged e's title and url:
Ibu Farissa
Bunda Farras
Mbak lala
Mbak Woel
Mbak Eka Ratna
Mbak Vera
Oh ya aku dapat PR dan award juga dari Mbak Eka Ratna, awardnya udah aku pasang di postingan yang ini , jadi aku tinggal buat PRnya yaa...nyontek2 dikit gpp yaaa heheheh....
*Name 7 things/person that you love then pass this on to 7 other bloggers.
1. Allah dan Rasul-NYa *wajib hukumnya*
2. Ina dan Papahnya *yang membuat hidupku semakin hidup hehehehe*
3. Liburan *senang kalo bisa jalan-jalan sama suami dan anak*
4. Apa yang aku kerjakan sekarang *seneng bisa bantu suami*
5. Tanggalan Merah *berarti bisa nemenin ina seharian*
6. Akhir Bulan *tandanya gajian...syik asyikk*
7. teman2 semua *yg sering mampir ke blog & kasih comment*
waw.. dua award sekaligus.. selamat yah..
ReplyDeleteSelamat atas awardnya...
ReplyDeleteMakasih ya udah dikasih hadiah award:) Sementara aku titip dulu bun, karena blom beli lemari award yg baru hehehehe...boleh ya:D
wow....thanks ya mba', tak pending dulu, ntar balik kul di kerjain ^^
ReplyDeletewaduh dapat PR ya bu, hehehe...ok deh ntr ta kerjain ya...