Ini dia awardnya

trus ada PR tambahan nechh....
The Most Important Person in our Life
1. The most important in my life or our life of course THE GLORY LORD ALLAH S.W.T
2. Most Important person in our life is Prophet Muhammad SAW - the most important person for Muslem who brought the most important Guide "The Holly Quran". Pastinya...karena itu petunjuk yang paling benar.
3. The next most important person in our life are parents, but all of them said that mother more important than father. iya...karena aku dibesarkan dan dididik oleh ibuku tercinta, karena Bapak dah meninggal waktu aku umur 2 bulan.
Award sama PRnya aku lempar lagi ke :
1. Woro Bunda Raihana
2. Rip666
3. Mas Dhie
4. Mbak Indah
5. Bunda Fauzan
6. Bunda Kayla
7. Mama Kayla
8. Mbak Febrie
Makasih Mbak....
ReplyDeleteDhie jadi tersanjung dapat award terus dari mbak. ;)
Boleh, nanti tak pajang di List Award yang ada di blog dhie. :)
thanks ya ntar aku kerjain ..
ReplyDeleteselamat ya mbak dapet award semoga tambah semangat :)
ReplyDeleteyeee.. award lageee... kalau dapet lagi jangan lempar ke aku ya... please...
ReplyDeletehehe thanks bgt mba'...